24 de setembre 2012


  1. Reconozca que España no es una. Conviven distintas nacionalidades que requieren ser sumamente respetadas en todos los sentidos.
  2. Que cualquier nación aún y encajando en España, puede querer independizarse por motivos puramente relacionados con su derecho a decidir como naciones siguiendo procesos democráticos.
  3. Que condene a todos los crímenes, maniobras políticas y jurídicas durante el tiempo de la dictadura, que por alguna razón se obviaron durante la transición.
  4. Que se derogue la monarquía, que fue restaurada por el fascismo y dió continuidad a sus ideales a cambio de estabilidad ficticia.
  5. Que se eliminen todos los símbolos de enaltecimiento del fascismo en toda España y que sea delito preservarlos.
  6. Que se pida perdón a la gente que vió su vida afectada por las actividades del gobierno fascista y se restablezca la normalidad y democracia institucional de forma que la gente pueda perdonar al gobierno por sus abusos. Incluyendo fomentar las investigaciones sobre presos y desapariciones.
  7. Que se elimine la Guardia Civil, cuerpo paramilitar remanente del gobierno fascista.
  8. Que se desmantelen las Diputaciones, heréncia del fascismo y se traspasen sus competencias a las autonomías (estados federados?).
  9. Que se enorgullezca de tener riqueza idiomática y luche para preservar a todos los idiomas que coexisten con el castellano. Que se deje de llamar español al castellano.
  10. Que respete y defienda las diferencias culturales cediendo su responsabilidad a entidades cercanas a la población.
  11. Que acepte que los toros son una vulgar forma de tortura sádicamente elevada a categoría de arte.
  12. Que se cambie el sistema de partidos actual por uno de elecciones primarias competitivas abiertas para mejorar la transparencia ideológica... y muchas otras reformas institucionales a favor de la separación efectiva de poderes y exterminación de los corruptos.
Si se cumpliesen estos puntos probablemente mucha gente que quiere la independéncia de Catalunya se relajaría y estaría encantada de pertenecer a un país tan adulto, moderno y socialmente maduro. Pero claramente, es mucho más fácil la independéncia de Catalunya.

Bona setmana!

07 de desembre 2010


Un video de tot. És un remake del famós Powers of ten, és en alta definició, el narrador és en Morgan Freeman. Perfecte.

Extret del film de l'IMAX, Cosmic Voyage.

05 d’octubre 2008

I found this laying arround

This is the complete transcript I made in order to memorize Vincent (by Tim Burton). I'm looking forward to translate it into Catalan and Spanish some day. Here it is:

VINCENT, by Tim Burton (Transcript by thesnale)

Vincent Maloy is seven years old
He's always polite and does what he's told
For a boy his age he's considerate and nice
but he wants to be just like Vincent Price.

He doesn't mind living with his sister dog and cats
though he'd rather share a home with spiders and bats.
There he could reflect on the horrors he's invented
And wander dark hallways alone and tormented.

Vincent is nice when his anunt comes to see him,
but imagines dipping her in wax for his wax museum.

He likes to experiment on his dog Abercrombie
in the hopes of creating a horrible zombie,
so he and his horrible zombie dog
can go searching for victims in the London fog.

His thoughts though are not only of ghoulish crime,
he likes to paint and read to pass some of the time.
While other kids read books like Go Jane Go,
Vincent's favourite author is Edgar Allan Poe.

One night while reading a gruesome tale
he read a passage that made him turn pale,
such horrible news he could not survive
for his beutiful wife had been burried alive.
He dug out her grave to make sure she was dead
unaware that her grave was his mother's flowerbed.

His mother sent Vincent off to his room,
he knew he'd been banished to the tower of doom,
where he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life
alone with the portrait of his beautiful wife.

While alone and insane and cased in his doom
Vincent's mother bursted suddenly into the room,
she said "If you want to you can go out and play,
it's sunny outside and a beautiful day."

Vincent tried to talk but he just couldnt speak,
the yers of isolation had made him quite weak
so he took out some paper and scrolled with a pen
"I am possesed by this house and can never leave it again"
His mother said "You are not possesed and you are not almost dead,
these games that you play are all in your head.
You're not Vincent Price, you're Vincent Maloy
you're not tomented or insane you're just a young boy
you're seven years old and you are my son.
I want you to get outside and have some real fun."

Her anger now spent she walked out through the hall,
and while Vincent backed slowly against the wall
the room started to sway, to shiver and creack,
his horrid insanity had reached it's peak.

He saw Abercrombie, his zombie slave
and heard his wife call from beyond the grave,
she spoke from her coffin and made ghoulish demands
while through cracking walls reached skeleton hands.

Every horror in his life that had crept through his dreams
swept his mad laughter to terrified screams.
To escape the madness he reached for the door
but fell limp and lifeless down on the floor.

His voice was soft and very slow
as he quoted The Raven form Edgar Allan Poe:

...And my soul from out that shadow,
that lies floating on the floor
shall be lifted

14 de juliol 2008

Google's Black Opel Astra Spotted

In La Garriga, a small town (pop. 15k) near Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain where I live at about 13:20 GMT+2. I'll be watching for updates in Google Street View to confirm, but the car was definiteley the same as this one.
Has anyone seen it in other small villages in Europe?

10 de juliol 2008

El dèficit fiscal de Catalunya és de més de 17000 milions d'€

Podéis tener Retiro, Casa Campo y Ateneo,
podéis tener mil cines, mil teatros, mil museos,
podéis tener Corrala, organillos y chulapas,
pero al llegar agosto, ¡vaya, vaya!,
aquí no hay playa.
¡Vaya, vaya!
No hay playa.
¡Vaya, vaya!

Podéis decir a gritos que es la capital de Europa,
podéis ganar la Liga, podéis ganar la Copa,
afirmaréis seguros que es la capital de España…
Podéis tener hipódromo, Jarama y Complutense
y , al lado, la Moncloa donde siguen los de siempre,
podéis tener el mando del imperio en vuestras manos,
pero al llegar agosto y el verano…
Podéis tener la tele y los 40 Principales,
podéis tener las Cortes, organismos oficiales,
el Oso y el Madroño, Cibeles, Torrespaña…

¡Escucha, Leguina!
Podéis tener Movida ¡hace tiempo!,
Movida promovida por el Ayuntamiento,
podéis rogar a Tierno
o a Barranco o al que haya,
pero al llegar agosto, ¡vaya, vaya!…
Aquí no hay playa!